Purposed Parent Connected Child Podcast - Episode 083 - How to Establish Consistent Family Devotions and Change Your Family Dynamics
Welcome to the Purposed Parent/Connected Child podcast – Episode 083 – How to Establish Consistent Family Devotions and Change Your Family Dynamics
I don’t remember the exact date my husband and I committed to daily Bible reading together as a family. Before we brought our baby home, praying together was a highlight for my husband and me at the end of our day. When our daughter was a baby, my husband and I made sure we added Bible study to our prayer time, and we made it a family priority. As she grew older, we continued meeting together after my husband got home from work in the evenings and everyone had eaten dinner, had baths, and was ready to relax.
For some reason, we loved gathering in the master bathroom. I smile as I remember the days we sat on the floor between the closet and the bathtub. Our two dogs, a Miniature Schnauzer and a Golden Retriever used to run ahead of us to the area we sat in, as they knew the family routine. Their actions clearly proved they knew where we were going and they were trying to beat one another to the spots that would allow them to cuddle with their favorite humans. Their sweet faces and eagerness made us feel like they wanted to digest God’s Word along with us.
Ten years later when our youngest daughter came home to be with us, my husband’s job had changed and because of his long work hours, it was very difficult to get that family Bible time together. Although my husband and I could still read the Bible on our own, we understood how imperative it is to study God’s Word as a family. Even if we were unable to make time together in the Word daily with him, my daughters and I continued to meet and study. I share this because families should not wait for a perfect time to study and worship together. That time may never arrive. Don’t let excuses or schedules get a grasp on your growth in Christ together. Unfortunately, because of my husband’s job, the rest of us usually have to read the Word without him, but our family still has a commitment to pray together after he arrives home at night. My Bible time with my girls and our family prayer time at night remains the two sweetest times of my day. Make the most of the season of life you are in. Point your children to Jesus and ask God to show you the way to make Bible Study together a priority.
Without parents lovingly modeling the reading of God’s Word and prioritizing it for children to emulate, without parents teaching the wisdom of God’s Word, and without parents explaining Scripture and ways to apply it to life, how will children begin to value the Word? How will they place it as a priority if they don’t see their parents placing God first?
When your family has spent time intentionally reading Scripture together and discussing the applications and truths of God’s Word, your children learn to honor and respect God and listen to the wisdom He offers. When they witness you placing God first and see you lovingly walk in His ways through trials and triumphs, giving Him honor and glory through all things, they learn to do the same.
Children believe what you teach when they see you consistently live what you preach.
Do you remember the old saying, “A family that prays together stays together?” What a cute, rhyming statement. It’s also a powerful truth proving the power of God. What about the family that reads God’s Word together? Studying Scripture and learning His truths, commands, His values, and desires forms character and godly values in your child from a young age. As they grow, if you continue helping them construct a house of faith upon the firm foundation you built in their younger years, you will likely see them mature Christian faith and relationship with Jesus.
Why do I say, “likely?” Life has many unexpected twists and turns. Complications arising from deaths, illnesses, accidents, job losses, and much more make consistency difficult. God knows the curves life throws. He is present and wants you to remain committed to drawing near to Him and showing your children how to do the same. That decision to remain consistent no matter what life brings is crucial. God will honor your dedication in more ways than you can imagine as He works all things together for His glory and your good, if you have been called according to His purpose.
Just what would make a family that reads God’s Word together actually stay together and grow in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord? God’s holy, powerful Word. Using Scripture as a groundwork for all your family stands for, is, and becomes isn’t easy. It begins with a decision to mature your relationship and that of your family. Whether you are in a season of sickness, health, good times, or bad, remain committed to your decision. God’s Word promisesthat He will never leave you or forsake you. You must choose to trust that no matter what, if you remain in pursuit of Him, relying on Hisguidance and wisdom to provide and protect, your family will experiencethe fruits of faithfulness and you will prosper in Him.
Several benefits bloom from a family united under God’s Word. But before you can reap the harvest, you must do three things:
Decide – Every action and the resulting fruits begin with a decision. When you decide to believe, trust, and humbly submit, your family reaps the benefits from your choice.
Commit - A family that joins together in pursuit of Christ has made a choice to commit to God. Life is busy and distracting. The family that places Jesus above desires or schedules and regularly comes together to humbly bow before Him as a unit becomes stronger. Not only as individuals walking in faith, but as a family that serves and praises together.
Prioritize – As you make time for Bible study together, your family learns about the importance of sacrifice and service for the Lord.
Excuses are easy to lift, but true faith and commitment to God overrides feelings or emotions. Like working out or learning a new skill, it may take time to see the benefits or experience the blessings, but your Heavenly Father is faithful. Through God’s Word, your consistency, and your training, God will begin to transform character, desires, beliefs, and actions in your family members. As you purposely draw near to the Lord and teach your family to do the same, God sees and will bless your work for Him.
You may wonder how to start consistent family Bible study.
1. Decide. Commit. Prioritize. Those are the first steps.
2. Choose a time that works to bring each family member together. There is no bad time. Use what works for your home to allow you to experience God’s Word together.
3. Give grace to one another. If you find that changes, don’t forgo coming together. Remember that life has seasons. Just as seasons change and life evolves, your Bible time together can do the same. Remain consistent, even if you have to change schedules sometimes. Just as I make sure I meet with my girls, and my husband joins when he can. Make the most of the time you are given. Ask God to show you the way to worship Him together.
4. Be age appropriate. Whether your children are babies or teens, as long as you consistently meet and study together, you will grow individually and as a unit. Keep ages and mental levels in mind as you plan when and what you will study. You are planting seeds with younger children and thrusting into deeper ground with older children.
5. Don’t think that your time together has to be perfect. Your family may choose to purchase a study to do formally together or you may simply use a good study Bible. Just make sure you get started and keep growing together.
6. Remember that God isn’t looking for perfection, but He is calling you to begin. Keep in mind that the important areas to include are easy to remember. They are: Scripture reading, discussion or question time, and prayer.
7. Know that your family is unique and the way you craft your family worship time can be, too. Make sure you include the basics I listed earlier, but you may also make time for worship in song with singing or instruments, add personal request and intercessory prayer for others, and add time for confession or the Lord’s Supper if you desire. Your time can be as short or long as you choose. It can be as simple or complicated as you wish it to become. Knowing your children or family, the seasons you are in, the interests and talents of your family members, and the relationships you share with God and each other are guideposts that will lead you.
8. Make sure that your time honors God, respects one another, is stress-free, and brings you and your family closer to God and each other. This should be a sweet experience, not a dreaded time of day. It may take a little time to get into the schedule, but don’t let these moments cause division or strife.
9. Incorporate what you read into areas of your lifestyle and experiences. As you study God’s Word together, you’ll find opportunities to refer to Scripture or what you learned during your daily time together. As these situations arise, the Word of God becomes a real and believable tool your child will use to shape beliefs, character, and to make decisions into eternity.
Let me know if you need help with age appropriate resources. I’ll be happy to email you a listing of the items that have worked well in our home.
Remember, you don’t have to be elaborate and your family worship doesn’t have to be long. Just come before God with your heart and mind ready to receive His truths and let your children see that you place their Heavenly Father first in your priorities. When you practice what you preach with love and patience, godly results are inevitable.
Dear Heavenly Father how blessed we are to have relationship with You through Jesus. How good You are to give us Your Son as a guide, to give us Your holy Word, and to have the lifeline of prayer that goes directly to You. How deeply You have proven Your desire to be known to us. Thank you for giving us such unlimited access to You. Help us establish family devotions or grow our devotions into what You desire them to be. Don’t let our family worship become stale and help us to remain consistent and committed. Enable us to desire You more each day and to help our children see the blessings of growing under and through You. Help us never turn from You. Help us to see the many ways You choose to bless us through consistent time with You individually and as a family. We thank you and praise You! In the precious name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
Supporting and encouraging mothers to rest in Christ and pursue a holy relationship with Him so they purposely raise set-apart children is the cry of my heart. Godly parenting is rooted in relationship with Christ and the mindset a mother carries. That’s why I’ve created the Set-Apart Collective.
Have you decided peers and culture won’t be the main influence over your child? Would you like to parent to prepare your child for eternity with Christ, not to repair a relationship? In the Set-Apart Collective, you will deepen your walk with Christ, learn a Christ-centered Motherhood Mindset Model™, and create a Purposed Parenting Plan™. You will be a purposed mother with an intentional mind and heart set on Christ and your family. The Set-Apart Collective is open now. Please send me an email at info@terrihitt.com to let me know you’d like to receive information or look online at terrihitt.com/setapart. We can also set up a 15 minute call to chat about details. It’s time for believing mothers to be purposed in preparing their children for a lifetime pursuit of Christ.
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Remember, if you’re not purposed in knowing Jesus and showing Him to the next generation, the world will likely sway your children away from Christ. I pray that what you hear on this podcast enables you to stop being a good mom and focus on being a godly parent. Until next week, keep looking Up while focusing on new ways to parent with eternal purpose and connection.