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Purposed Parent Connected Child Podcast Episode 112 - How to Protect Innocence in Childhood

Purposed Parent Connected Child Podcast Episode 112 - How to Protect Innocence in Childhood

Welcome to the Purposed Parent/Connected Child podcast – Episode 112 – How to Protect Innocence in Childhood

Thank you for sharing your day with me. I pray this podcast gives you the awareness and tools you need to STOP being a GOOD mom and BECOME the GODLY mom God entrusts you to be. Then you will be the SET-APART woman PURPOSELY raising children to chase CHRIST over culture.

Just a quick reminder as we start, if you enjoy Purposed Parent Connected Child podcast episodes, would you please share this episode or others with a friend or family member? When you graciously take a moment to do that, and leave a rating or review at Apple Podcast, you are ensuring that others will find the podcast. When you do, you’re helping affect generations for Jesus.

Now on to our important episode about how to keep innocence in childhood.

I adored the perspective our middle daughter Marissa carried when she was a tiny girl. Actually, still to this day she has the same artistic eye and genuine joy for seeing beauty in the world. One day as we were walking on a sunny day, she exclaimed, “Oh! Look at the sparkles on the sidewalk.”

I’d already raised two children to adulthood and survived my own childhood. Yet I don’t remember ever noticing sparkles in the concrete. But, just as she said, when I looked at the sidewalk, tiny sprinkles of silver sparkled back. Even to this day, some fifteen or sixteen years later I look for sparkles of joy in concrete.

Matthew 18:1-6 says, “At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.”

Babies have such innocent, trusting souls. God could have brought His children into the world as adults. Instead, He brought us in as infants to be nurtured, protected, and pointed to Him.

The beauty of childhood should be celebrated with trust, shaped to care for others, consider others your friends, and treat others with Christlike love because pure joy emanates from your heart.

Think of the beauty childhood and little lives should be filled with. Kids enjoy finding hearts in the shapes of nature, seeing animals in clouds, and enjoy raindrops, mud, and snowy days just as much as a sunny day. They see beauty in uniqueness and don’t want anyone to feel sad or hurt. They speak from the heart, offer compliments simply and joyfully, twirl on a whim, and believe everyone is beautiful.

However, societal shifts sneakily indoctrinate children with agendas at early ages and without parental consent. Children are exposed to adult materials and mindsets much earlier than decades before, yet they remain underequipped emotionally or spiritually to handle the images, knowledge, actions, or emotions impressed on their innocent minds.

Why should it matter that innocence is in jeopardy? Don’t people say kids are resilient?

Our godless culture is disregarding God’s design for the innocenceof children. Society is erasing the God-assigned role of the parent to shepherd the heart and mind of the children He has entrusted to us.

Society has been progressively promoting and glamourizing sin for decades. But now there seems to be a targeted push for children, who should be intentionally raised to know Jesus clearly and follow Him with dedication born from love and faith – not religion. Instead, the children are being lost to a culture with worldly morality and without godly intentions.

God’s children aren’t being grounded in purposed faith that’s rooted in His Word and ways. Instead, we’re being lured and absorbed into a culture without absolute Truth. As parents, our personal identity must be secure in God through Jesus and in our faith-fueled relationship with Him. He must be the compass that guides and guards our heart and home. We must purposely search and study Scripture so we’re equipped to shelter, counsel, and prepare the children entrusted to us in Christlike and godly ways.

As believers and guardians of precious children God commanded us to shepherd, we must commit through eyes fixed on eternity, to check what enters the life of our children, and also what surrounds them. We must be prepared proactively, not reactively, to fight as godly-centered warriors for the heart and mind of our children.

Our concerns and cautions should be strong to protect from the evil influences of this world and provide godliness and Truth for our children. For example, sometimes we shelter from – and sometimes we allow access to things of this world. But when we allow access, it is in ways that direct with discussion and determination toward and through Christ. It is providing stability and strength for our children to grow into mature Christians who live in this world, but are not part of it. We’re to equip them to grow in strength and stature, able to form critical, godly thinking.

You were divinely appointed and the children in your care were specifically chosen to be guarded and influenced by you. You were entrusted with the tender, yet challenging position of raising them for the King of Kings. The only way you are able to complete that monumental, but glorious task is through His strength and truths.

As you teach relationship with God through Jesus and in the words you preach, intentionally guide your children into the arms of Jesus. Every obstacle is an opportunity to bring them to Him. Disciple them continually in light of eternity and you will find it easier to combat cultural influences and raise children who seek and stand for godly values because they carry an intimate relationship with Him.

Remember, your children see you more clearly than you see yourself. Let your actions and your words send them straight to Christ. Be vigilant. Scripture tells us that the devil is out to steal, kill, and destroy. The world proves the truth of these words from Christ.

I know you’re already aware of the importance of this issue. So what do we do about it?

Be diligent! So often parents either ignorantly or lazily neglect to guide and guard the way God demands. Whether we are deceived or defiant, the lives of God’s precious children are touched and changed.

I don’t need to list the “how’s’ of protecting children from this culture. You’ve already heard ways to keep ungodly values out of your home and several Purposed Parent Connected Child episodes are available to guide you. But I do want to remind you to keep your guard raised. Build the fence of protection far from the cliff. Don’t build that barrier right on the cliff, because as the ground your child is on erodes, that hedge will fall, and you want plenty of protection around the children God entrusted to you.

Take each day captive for Christ. 

Don’t let schedules dictate the level of your parenting or protection. Fast paces and packed timelines keep parents from investing the needed time to talk to or play with kids to build connection to keep and foster purity in hearts and home. They deceive us into thinking we don’t have time to read God’s Word, study and teach it to our children, or have time to pray. It’s all how you choose to prioritize. Will it be God first? Do you choose to teach the children in your home the world or the Word?

It's time for good mothers to take a stand and commit to becoming the godly mom God entrusted and equips you to be. Keeping innocence in the home begins and ends with you.

I recently released an item that I am happy to share at no charge. Visit to receive a complimentary 31-Day Prayer & Scripture Guide to help you jumpstart this or continue this sacred journey. Coming soon, I’ll have devotionals you can use with your babies and children. The first edition for tiny hearts is already complete, but just not on the website yet. Additional devotionals are in the process of being written now and will be available this year.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for Your loving kindness and mercies to us. Thank you for entrusting us to be the guide and guardian for Your children. Your gracious, loving gift to us is beyond our human understanding. God, You clearly instruct us in Your Word to raise children to know, follow, hear, love, and obey You. We’re to talk of You when we rise up, when we lie down, when we walk along the way. We’re to infuse Your presence and Spirit into all aspects of our life and the lives of Your Children. Thank you for this beautiful picture of Your grace, Father. Help us be and remain obedient and joyful as we strive to become the godly women and mothers only You can equip us to be. In the precious name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Because your home is key to safeguarding your children, I want to share a sweet and innocent company that has the same mission to safeguard the hearts and minds of children - Melane & Co. This shop was created by my middle daughter, who is the artist behind the watercolor creations available.

Are you disgusted with book illustrations that honor darkness, not light? Have you ever taken your child to a gathering or been in the home of another person who has art hanging on the walls that simply isn’t God-honoring?

Whether you’re looking through magazines, visiting a gallery, or a friend’s home, your kids have probably been exposed to artwork that you just wish they hadn’t seen.

Has this happened to you? If it hasn’t yet, it probably will.

But your home can be a place of refuge. Remember, under God’s command, you are responsible for safeguarding the heart and home of your children.

If you’re looking for home décor that your child can grow up with and that won’t cause a flush to spread across your faces, Melane & Co. has gentle, beautiful watercolor prints, cards, and custom floral or pet paintings that bring joy and delight to young and old.

Raising children is challenging. Don’t let artwork be another stumbling block. I invite you to visit Melane & Co. at for a variety of pieces to bring a smile to your faces and walls. You’ll find fine quality watercolor cards you can use for gifts to family, friends, or teachers. If your home has a furry family member or two, you’ll also see a way to include them in your décor. A custom portrait of your pet is a timeless way to remember the joy they give so effortlessly daily. Any way you can honor God in your home with classic pieces that are sweet to the eyes and soul help you mentor Christ in beautiful ways. Visit Melane & Co. today.

One last thing to remember - if you’re not purposed in knowing Jesus and showing Him to the next generation, the world will sway your children away from Christ. I pray that what you hear on this podcast enables you to stop being a good mom and focus on being a godly parent. Until next week, keep looking Up while focusing on new ways to parent with eternal purpose and connection with your children and Christ.

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