Purposed Parent Connected Child Podcast Episode 114 - How Do You Know if You're Fully Submitted to Jesus?

Welcome to the Purposed Parent/Connected Child podcast – Episode 114 – How Do You Know if You're Fully Submitted to Jesus?
Thank you for sharing your day with me. I pray this podcast gives you the awareness and tools you need to STOP being a GOOD mom and BECOME the GODLY mom God entrusts you to be. Then you will be the SET-APART woman PURPOSELY raising children to chase CHRIST over culture.
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Now on to an important question to consider in this episode…one that will affect the way you raise your children. How do you know if you’re fully submitted to Jesus?
About the time my husband and I brought our middle daughter home we noticed so many other children arriving from China. It was the peak time of adoptions, and although we hardly knew anyone who had adopted internationally before our journey, during the process and afterwards we recognized that many other families were experiencing the same joy.
For us, both of our adoptions (because we went back ten years later), were glorious God stories, Our Heavenly Father is definitely in every detail. What a blessing, and I mean that with every fiber of my being, to have stepped forward in obedience to adopt. Recognizing God’s sovereignty, my husband and I understand that God knew from before He ever created any of us that we would be together. In a broken, sinful world, He enabled beauty to be formed through this special crafting of our family. We are forever thankful.
Each of our four children are unique and we’re thankful for them. Whether biological or adopted, they are simply the method God used to bring us together. Knowing these truths, it’s frustrating when I have heard people remark negatively about adoption, especially internationally. Ironically, the people who make the remarks have never adopted a child themselves, either by domestic or international route.
Raising one family, then beginning the parenting journey again with a second set of children came from obedience. Through two miraculous God stories, my husband and I clearly knew that we had daughters born in China who needed to come home to us. I share pieces of this story again because clearly hearing God speak and obeying His call are two keys pieces in being fully submitted to Christ.
Many people will profess to being a Christian. But some seem to wear Jesus as an accessory. Faith that converts must come before professions, desires, or ambitions. In fact, true faith prevails over family, food, or fun.
You might wonder: As long as you believe you’re a follower of Christ, why does it matter whether you’re fully submitted? What does fully submitted even mean? It matters because to be a maturing Christian, you must be fully submitted. Unless you’re “all in” with your life for Christ, you won’t continue to deepen and grow your maturity. When you stand in front of God one day, longing to hear, “well done my good and faithful servant,” you don’t want to be surprised and hear these words instead. “I never knew you.” The depth of your faith and your submission to Christ will determine the extent of how deeply you’re able to mentor Him to your children.
As we look at how to know if you’re fully submitted to Jesus, we’ll begin with the Old Testament. These sacred books in the Bible lay the groundwork for submission and faith. In them we see God’s authority and faithfulness, as well as consequences for failing to follow His will. Through Abraham, we see a model for submission and humble obedience as he moves to obey God and sacrifice his beloved son in Genesis 22.
Through Joseph we see trial after trial, but Joseph remains with eyes fixed on God. He hears and obeys His Father when it would be easier not to. Yet, God is faithful. Although it seemed things were just getting worse for Joseph and that God had forsaken him, Joseph believed, trusted, and maintained faith. Eventually, many saw that God had never left his servant, Joseph. Joseph was always in God’s hands and tender care. Because of his obedience and unwavering faith, Joseph recognized that everything was used for good by God. Not only for him, but for so many.
We witness disobedience from Moses when he provides water for the Israelites in Numbers 20. God clearly told Moses to speak to the rock to receive water for the group, but Moses spoke and struck the rock twice. We may read this story and think of what a little difference this was. We may wonder why it mattered. God is a holy God of truth and authority. When He makes a request to us, we must obey His instructions exactly. What if you asked your child to look both ways before they cross the street and they only choose to look one way on a busy road at rush hour? Partial obedience equals zero obedience.
Our actions indicate whether we actually trust God enough to obey Him immediately and fully. We must prove that we believe by what we do. Although God always forgives us when we are disobedient, we still have to face consequences.
In the New Testament we see the greatest mentor for following and pleasing God – Jesus Christ. Luke 22:42 says, “Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” Jesus pleaded with the Father, making His desire known, but submitted His desire to fall behind the wishes of His holy, sovereign Heavenly Father.
Another example of the way Jesus prepared us to follow the Father is through the act of prayer. Because of Jesus, we are able to freely step before the Throne of Grace and direct praise and requests to the Maker of Heaven and Earth. In the discipleship Jesus offers through the template of the Lord’s prayer, we learn submission in the ways God directs. In Matthew 6:10, we read, “May Your Kingdom come soon. May Your will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven.”
Not my will be done. Not your will be done. Not even Jesus’s will when He lived as a man on earth, but the Father’s.
A third example of how Jesus directs us to know how to fully submit to God is in Mark 8:34 which says, “Then, calling the crowd to join his disciples, He said, “If any of you wants to be My follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow Me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for My sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it. And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul? If anyone is ashamed of Me and My message in these adulterous and sinful days, the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person when He returns in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.”
Through examples from Moses and Abraham, and many others in the Bible, but especially through the perfection of Jesus, we see one standard. True followers invite transformation to occur from the inside out.
True followers of Jesus who are fully submitted to Him will desire and plead for God to cleanse us from the inside and replace the sin and filth with newness and wholeness of life and Christlikeness. We ask Him to change our heart and create a lasting bond with Him into eternity.
True followers invite trials and pain into their lives because they know they will rest in God’s arms as He carries them through. As He makes them new, more faith-filled and obedient than before.
Jesus isn’t a religion. Christ is the One we desire to share deep relationship with. Better than a spouse, best friend, child, parent, mentor, or coach. Jesus is our all in all. John 14:6 says, “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” No matter what circumstance you face in life, yours is secure if you abide in His arms.
Have you discovered from the descriptions that you’re not fully submitted to Jesus? None of us are, but we can live submitted lives, openly trusting and stepping forward in the darkness when all seems lost or hopeless. Moment by moment we become more submitted, more Christlike in our desires and responses. More willing to follow God wherever He calls as we rely on Him.
I have a short exercise that might help you determine whether you’re moving forward in faith to fully submit to Christ.
How do you feel if you speak this statement? “I love you Jesus - more than anyone.”
Do you feel exhilarated when you speak the words?
Are you frightened by the statement?
Do you feel guilty?
What you feel may be an indicator of your walk with Christ. Use it as a starting point to deepen and widen your faith maturity.
I’ll also share Scripture that helps show what God desires from one devoted to Him.
Job 33:4 says, “The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life.”
Through this verse we remember that we belong to God, who gives us life.
Psalm 24:1 says, “The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein.”
This verse shows us that we live on God’s earth, the One He created, along with all that resides in it. It reminds us of our rightful place with Him, through Him, and in Him.
Proverbs 16:2 says, “All a person’s ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the LORD.”
This convicting verse reminds us that our Holy God sees and knows us intimately. The way we sinfully and selfishly view our personal motives is deeply flawed in comparison to His standards.
Ephesians 4:14 says, “Then we will no longer be immature like children. We won’t be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth.”
This verse tells us that through Him we will know Truth from the Source. As we study and know Him we won’t be influenced by sinful ways and people, but will remain steadfast in Truth and grow in depth of maturity.
Ezekiel 36:26 says, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.”
This verse is a promise that God will replace the selfishness of our heart and fill us with His Holy Spirit.
As we surrender self, we accept the adorning of a new life that isn’t simply a religion or a seasonal activity. We accept a new and transformative lifestyle.
To surrender self and submit to Christ, stop trying to read the Bible by quickly getting your daily quota in, and instead, pursue knowledge and transformation through studying God’s Word. Regardless of whether you have time, do it. We all make time for what we really prioritize. If you’re truly in a season where you simply can’t read, listen to the Word daily and begin studying with a trusted study Bible as soon as possible.
Transformation won’t occur unless you release self. Change your ways to change your lifestyle.
Pray. Instead of looking at prayer as a duty, recognize it as a blessing and gift. Jesus died so that He could be a bridge for us to reach the Father. Because of Him we can approach God with any request or for any reason. Embrace the gift of prayer.
Next, have fellowship with other strong believers. Examine the fruits of other followers of Christ – not in a judgmental way, but by using your God-given discernment. Be discipled together. Fellowship with those who have a heart for God and growing in Him. Also help others by mentoring Christ to those who are looking for strong believers to disciple them.
Also, don’t put God in a box. He is God, Our Heavenly Father, Creator, the Great I Am, the Lord who Heals, the Lord who Provides, Our Mighty God, the Holy, Sovereign One. So often we try to call on God when we need Him, then place Him on a shelf when we think we can handle things. He desires us to call on and depend on Him always. Don’t expect Him to walk beside you or with you. God wants us to climb into His arms willingly and abide there. Invite Him to carry you.
Look Up moment by moment. Don’t call on Him when you’re in trouble – Remain in His care and invite Him into every area of your life. He is far better equipped and will protect and provide, guide and guard those who are committed to Him through Jesus.
Take your thoughts captive for Christ.
Romans 8:5-8 says, “Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.”
Submit your mind and your body, your will and ways.
Romans 7:21-24 says, “So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!”
When we humbly and willingly place God in His rightful position in our life, we begin to peel away self, exposing the heart of Christ through the Holy Spirit inside us. Pride, possessions, peers, people, past, and present, as well as relationships, finances, and desires begin to move into alignment. They do so in ways that honor God and give you deep and lasting joy. Over time, you will see His hand at work in ways you never imagined.
Peace that passes understanding follows when we place God first through relationship with Jesus Christ. Trust, submit, believe, and obey.
Another way to know whether you’re submitting to Christ is to test the level of anxiety, fear, anger, worry, or unforgiveness you carry. If you don’t feel burdened by those, you are likely submitting those areas now. Continue to do so moment by moment with joy.
If you carry any of these qualities, examine how you can work to let go of them, handing them into God’s capable care so you can experience true and lasting freedom He desires you to have in your life and home. Begin with prayer and repentance. Ask God for forgiveness and ask Him to show you how to release your load. He never meant for you to carry anything. He is present and able to take your burdens. Right now. Seek Scripture on the topics you struggle with. Pray those verses to God, crafting biblical prayers you know God will honor.
We’ve found that the answer to the question we’ve examined today is that none of us is fully submitted to Jesus this side of Heaven, but we should be moving closer to Him and allowing transformation each moment we are alive. No one said the process would be easy, in fact Jesus warned of tribulations. Look at His life. It was never easy. Not in any way. But Jesus continued to look Up and grow in wisdom and stature, in favor with God and man daily. Just as we must do if we are to submit.
Here are a few more questions to consider and pray about:
Do you pray before you make decisions? Do you go to the Father for every problem or try to carry it yourself? Do you follow where God leads without hesitation? Even when you don’t know the future? Do you harbor grudges or unforgiveness? How does it make you feel to think about submitting those to God? Are you taking your thoughts captive for Christ?
Are your thoughts on God when you fall asleep at night? When you awaken do you think of Him and pray? Do you pray for His will? For His guidance and timing throughout your day? Do you pray for His wisdom? Do you pray for wisdom over wealth? Do you hold on to things God has prompted you to release? Do you let go of entertainment, books, friends, games, habits, or jobs that draw you away from God?
Or do you continue doing just as you desire? Remember that partial obedience equals no obedience. No obedience means no submission.
Here are three verses to help you submit to God and deepen your faith, trust, and obedience. You may use them to pray the Scriptural prayers I mentioned earlier in this episode.
Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.”
James 4:7-8a says, “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and He will come near to you.”
Lamentations 3:25 says, “The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him.”
Dear Heavenly Father, How great thou art! Thank you for Your everlasting kindness, long-suffering, and patience. Thank you for loving us first, for choosing us. We fall short of the praise You desire and the obedience You require. Equip us to become more Christlike moment by moment as we seek and please You. Help us choose You as You have chosen us. We thank you for life and love that You give us so freely. May we honor You and return what You desire because we love You and fellowship with You with whole hearts. Help us be pleasing and obedient, and teach our children to abide in Your arms as they learn to be pleasing and obedient to You, too because we mentor You so well to them. In the precious name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
This is the part of the episode that you usually hear me talk about the Set-Apart Collective. Today I want to share about my new mini program called “Establish Identity.”
Why? Your identity is a major force behind what you do. Who you believe yourself to be, and who you find your identity through affects the way you live, parent, love, serve, and discipline. Your identity is one of the lifelines, a pulse point of your home.
Do you ever stop to think that you are the first Jesus your child will see? Even if they are grown, your identity affects your child. The way you think, speak, and react is rooted in your identity.
Send me a message at info@terrihitt.com if you’d like details or go to terrihitt.com and join my email list. You’ll get updates before anyone else and hear a little about what makes this so important. If you join the email list you’ll also be able to access free resources such as my new Good to Godly: A 31 Day Scripture and Prayer Guide for Moms.
One last thing to remember - if you’re not purposed in knowing Jesus and showing Him to the next generation, the world will sway your children away from Christ. I pray that what you hear on this podcast enables you to stop being a good mom and focus on being a godly parent. Until next week, keep looking Up while focusing on new ways to parent with eternal purpose and connection with your children and Christ.