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Set-Apart Collective by Parenting and Mindset Coach Terri Hitt

I equip you to STOP being a GOOD mom,

and help you become a GODLY mom

in my Program for Christian Women Ready to Parent with Purpose

Have you decided you won't let peers or culture be the main influence over your children?  


After participating in my Set-Apart Collective™️  program, you will be equipped to confidently parent for Christ without fear or regret.

You'll learn how to stop being a good mom and become a godly parent.

You'll easily teach and apply Biblical principles to raise children who know the truths of Christ.


You'll raise your children to apply God's Word in their life.


You'll parent with eternal perspective.

Terri Hitt Purposed Parent/Connected Child Podcaster, Speaker, and Parenting and Mindset Coach

I'm Terri, Christian Parenting Mentor 

and mom of four who raised my children in two “sets,” and over two generations, allowing me a unique perspective about parenting. 


​Nothing is more important than raising the children God entrusted to you - for Him. 

Your kids need you to lead the way to Christ.


You can't exhale what you don't inhale.

Are you ready to be that set-apart mom leading your children straight to Christ? 

Did parenting feel like it would be a lot easier...

before you became a mother?

Remember, you're not meant to parent in your strength.

Terri Hitt Purposed Parent/Connected Child Podcaster, Speaker, and Parenting and Mindset Coach with daughter

If you feel…inadequate, guilty, discouraged, or overwhelmed...

you’re not alone. 

Those thoughts don't come from Christ. That's why I mentor how to deepen godly mindset and identity.

Through Christ, you can raise children with a strong mind, heart, and identity defined by Him.


God calls you to raise set-apart kids, but you can’t, until you’re

set-apart through Christ.

Are you ready to move from overwhelmed to overjoyed?

One of my favorite things about the Set Apart Collective was learning that we are the first version of Jesus that our children will see. That's weighty, convicting, and absolutely changes the way I interact with and disciple my son."


Parenting Coach Terri Hitt with Marissa Hitt and youngest daughter.jpg

Being a "Christian"

isn't enough.

You long to nurture active, lasting faith but wonder how.

A hectic once-a-week trip to church isn't enough to cultivate the relationship you dream of with Christ and for your children.


You feel like there isn’t enough time through the week to dig deeper in your personal walk with Jesus or disciple your children the way you thought you would.


You wonder how to find time for Him yourself and question how to lead your children to Jesus.

Fears or concerns arise when you see kids follow the influence of friends or listen to society more than parents. You don’t want that to happen in your home.


You're not the only woman who wants more for her children now and for eternity.

Brooklyn Terri Hitt and Marissa Hitt in a mother-daughter trio portrait
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The Set-Apart Collective by Christian parenting Coach Terri Hitt

A set-apart mom is committed to Christ. 

In The Set-Apart Collective you will:

  • Receive one-on-one and group coaching

  • Craft a Purposed Parenting Plan™️

  • Learn the Motherhood Mindset Model™️

  • Deepen your understanding of identity through Christ

  • Identify chains that keep you from anchoring in Christ

  • Discover how to Purpose the Problem™️

  • Create a Family Vision/Mission Statement

  • Craft a life vision for your godly walk with Christ

  • Gain access to Biblically-based parenting resources

  • Experience godly personal growth

  • Encounter biblical truth, spiritual support, and prayerful purpose to raise each unique child

  • Learn to parent the heart, so discipline becomes discipleship

  • Prepare your kids to follow Christ in their teen years and beyond with strong and godly identity

  • Become the godly mom God purposed you to be with confidence from Him

  • Enjoy community with like-minded mothers on the same mission for Christ

Like most moms, you probably plan for the temporal joys of this world. But how quickly do those plans fade to memories?

How are you planning

for the eternity of your children?

In the Set-Apart Collective™️, you’ll be strengthened to mentor a life that pursues Christ in every way.


For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, declares the Lord.” Isaiah 55:8

Do you desire:

  • Deeper relationship with Christ and your children

  • To stop using worldly wisdom

  • Be more prayerfully purposed

  • To raise “godly,” not "good" or “typical” children

  • To raise your children with faith that thrives even after they are grown

  • To parent the heart, not the behavior

  • Discipline to disciple, not punish

  • To stop overwhelm and become overjoyed

And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Have you planned for your home

to be a foundation for eternity?

Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18a

Terri Hitt Parenting Coach and Marissa Hitt mother-daughter duo
Brooklyn looking out of window

Are you parenting God's children as He desired when He entrusted them to you?

You know time flies, days merge, and sometimes you may struggle to keep things together until the kids are in bed.


Sometimes the hopes you had for raising children for Christ seem distant or unreachable.


In the Set-Apart Collective™️, you will learn how to craft a Purposed Parenting Plan™️ for your individual family and unique children. 


Using the Motherhood Mindset Model™️ you'll take thoughts captive for Christ and teach your children the same techniques.

There is nothing more important you can do for your child than to mentor the way to Jesus with guided steps.

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 1:4

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” Romans 12:2

Set and reach goals that draw you nearer to Jesus and your children for eternity.

A set-apart mom raises set-apart kids.

If you aren’t consistently purposed in making Christ known to your children, the world will sway them away from Him.


Equip your children to live in this world 

without being seduced by it.


Prepare your children to handle spiritual battles, trials, and relationships with lifetime pursuit of Christ.


Become a wise mentor who purposely

guides godly growth

"The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down." Proverbs 14:1

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Terri Hitt Christian Parenting and Mindset Coach The Set Apart Collective

"Terri Hitt has been an absolute blessing to me as a mother. Her practical and insightful guidance on how to shepherd a child in a way that can foster their spiritual growth has transformed my perspective. I truly appreciated the thoughtfulness and care she put into every detail, from the beautiful course design to the live trainings and recordings that gave me a real sense of community. Terri's Bible reading plans were a wonderful addition to the Collective, as it is so important for me to deepen my own walk with the Lord while nurturing my children's spiritual lives. I am so grateful for her wisdom and the way she pours her heart into helping families thrive in their faith."


Terri Hitt Parenting Coach

"I was so grateful for God's perfect timing in leading me to be a part of the Set-Apart Collective. As a momma who parented four kids into their teen and young adult years and suddenly found herself in 'round two' with a baby as an adoptive mom, I feel like this was the perfect season to re-focus on my calling as a mom. The information and wisdom Terri shares in this collective is just what my heart needed to give me strength and conviction to start back at square one and be intentional once again to raise young people who love and seek Jesus. I recommend this information to new moms, seasoned moms and all those in between. The information is concise yet deep and will encourage women to live up to our highest calling - motherhood that points to Jesus."


Terri Hitt Coach Purposed Parent Connected Child

Are you ready to be a Set-Apart mom?

Terri Hitt Coach Purposed Parent Connected Child
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